我校留学生在2015年“同乐江苏”外国人才艺大赛喜获佳绩 SEU International Students Got Awards at 2015 Joy in Jiangsu

       11月22日晚,2015年“同乐江苏”外国人才艺大赛在江苏电视台大剧场落下帷幕,我校留学生喜获佳绩。来自乌克兰的玛丽娜、来自白俄罗斯的铁雪娜、与来自尼泊尔的拉德等同学组成的See You乐队、以及来自蒙古的巴特沙参加了此次才艺大赛。See You 乐队凭一曲《野子》博得满堂彩,获得本场最大奖项“最佳才艺奖”,巴特沙演唱的歌曲《天边》打动全场,获得优秀演唱奖。同时,我校和南京大学、南京理工大学、南京航空航天大学并列荣获“最佳组织奖”。


The international students of our university gained the achievements at 2015 Joy in JiangsuJuangsu’s Got International Talent Singing Competition, which was closed at Jiangsu TV Tower, on the night of Nov. 22. See You, a band of MARYNA MISHCHENKO (Ukraine), TSCHERNINA MARIA (The Republic of Belarus), ASHISH KUMAR PRADHAN, etc., has brought down the house with the song Yezi and won The Best Talent Award,the biggest award of this competition. BATSAIKHAN, KHERLENBAT (Mongolia) moved the whole audience with the song TianBian and won the Best Singing Award. Meanwhile, SEU obtained the Best Organizing Award.

This year’s competition, organized by Press Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, International Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government and Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, was the 6th Singing Competition. The programs of 2015 Jiangsu’s Got International Talent Singing Competition were mainly Chinese song singing together with several other kinds of Chinese talents. Since its opening in June, the competition has attracted thousands of foreigners who are studying or working in different cities of China. On the evening, there were 13 marvelous programs with different styles, performed by nearly 100 participants came from over 10 countries in the world.  (by Gao Junshi)