Use Your ID Card


Campus ID cards can be used at University Library, Campus Canteens, Campus Shopping Stores, dorms, and can be used for exams & daily classes and applying forinternet service, etc., hence you’re supposed to take along the card all the time.

During registration, you can apply for SEU Campus ID Card at Campus Card Center with your passport and the certificate issued from Int’l Students Office. Most new students’ Campus ID Card can be obtained by International Students’ Office when you register.

There are Campus Card Centers on each campus. The one on Sipailou Campus is in the west of 1st floor of Wusi Building ( 五四楼一楼西侧,beside the south campus gate). The one on Jiulonghu Campus is on the first floor(RM104) of the undergraduates teaching building No.1 (本科生教学楼,教一104). You can recharge your card there. Recharge at least 100 yuan each time.

University ID cards are very important and should be with you at all times. You are not supposed to lend or borrow ID cards. If you lose your ID card, you must report to card center with passport immediately.