Settle Down


New students may go to the dorm manager’s office on certain campus for check-in formalities after arrival.

The checking-in formalities must be handled in person.

Hand in your passport to receptionist in charge of the dorm,pay the dorm fees according to the fee structure on the admission notice before checking in  and get Registration Form of Accommodation.

Chinese government scholarship PHD could have a single room if SEU has enough dorm resource. Other students should share room with one other student. You can find a roommate yourself or SEU will help you to find one. Family members are not allowed to live in Students’ Dorm.

Show your passport to your dorm manager and get Registration Form of Temporary Residence.

If you choose to live out of the dorm of SEU, please come to International Students Office to apply. Then leave the telephone number of yours as well as your landlord’s and the address of yourapartment to Int’l Students Office. Besides, please go to the local police office with your landlord and the lease contract to get Registration Form of Temporary Residence within 24 hours.