Architectural Mechanics 建筑力学


Architectural Mechanics

1.The Nature and Objectives of the Course

Architectural Mechanics is a mandatory and disciplinary fundamental course of the major of architectural engineering. The objectives of the course primarily include (a) establishing the mechanical knowledge-base and structure serving as the fundamentals of modern engineering technology, (b) developing students’ analytical and problem-solving capabilities via revealing the origin, development and maturing process of subjects such as strength, stiffness and stability of prismatic members, and (c) laying the important mechanical foundation for subsequent mechanical courses and scientific research activities.

2.Teaching Requirements of Course Subjects

Upon completion of the course lectures, the participating students are expected to

(1) Statics: (a) understand the fundamental concepts in the field of statics, (b) master the calculation involving the simplification and equilibration of plane concurrent force systems and force-couple systems, (c) master the simplification and equilibration analysis of general plane force systems, (d) analyze the reaction forces and internal forces of plane trusses and frames, (e) calculate the centroid and moment of inertia of plane geometric shapes;

(2) Axial Loading & Shear: (a) define the fundamental concepts of internal force, stress, deformation and strain, (b) master both the theory and methodology of the strength analysis of axially loaded prismatic members, (c) accurately analyze and calculate simple statically indeterminate bars subjected to axial loading, and (d) comprehend the concepts of shearing and bearing stresses of simple engineering connectors as well as their calculations;

(3) Torsion: (a) comprehend the theorem of conjugate shear stress, (b) master both the theory and methodology of strength and stiffness analyses of torsional circular shafts, (c) accurately analyze and calculate simple statically indeterminate torsional shafts, and (d) acquaint themselves with the calculation and conclusions of the stress and deformation of non-circular and thin-walled torsional shafts;

(4) Bending internal forces & stresses: (a) master the rendering of both shear and moment diagram, (b) comprehend the concepts of symmetric bending of beams, (c) master the theory and calculation of both normal and shear stresses acting on cross sections of symmetrically bent beams, and (d) accurately perform the strength analysis for beams under symmetric bending;

(5) Bending deflections: (a) comprehend the concepts of deflection and rotation of bending beams, (b) master the methods of integration and superposition for the calculation of both beam deflection and rotation, (c) accurately perform the stiffness analysis for beams under symmetric bending, and (d) accurately analyze and calculate simple statically indeterminate beams under symmetric bending;

(6) Stress and strain analyses & strength theory: (a) master the concept of stress states, (b) master both the analytical and graphic method for the analysis of plane stress states, (c) acquaint themselves with the concepts of general three dimensional stress states and the corresponding stress circles, (d) master the calculation of maximum shear stress, (e) comprehend the general Hooke’s law, (f) accurately calculate the strain and distortion energy of three dimensional stress states, (g) comprehend the common failure modes of materials and the concept of general strength theory, and (h) master the four classical strength theories and their applications to the strength analysis of complex stress states;

 (7) Combined loading: master the stress calculation and strength analysis for the combination of (a) axial loading & bending and (b) torsion & bending; (8) Stability of columns: (a) accurately establish the concept of the stability of columns, (b) master the Euler’s formula and its application to the calculation of critical loads and stresses of slender columns, (c) master the calculation of critical loads and stresses for non-slender columns, (d) accurately perform the stability calculation and design of columns, and (e) acquaint themselves with the means of enhancing the stability of columns.

3. Training Expectations of Students’ Capabilities

Upon completion of the course lectures, students are expected to achieve

(1) Analytical capability: (a) deterministic knowledge of the fundamental concepts and methodologies typically employed in mechanics of materials and (b) the elementary skills of abstracting rational mechanical model from engineering practical problems and constructing free body diagrams for subsequent analysis;

(2) Calculation capability: (a) decent calculation proficiency on stress, strain, deformation, strength, stiffness and stability;

(3)Laboratory Capability: (a) accurate awareness on the fundamental mechanical properties of common engineering materials, (b) the elementary skills for measuring fundamental mechanical properties of materials under the guideline of national measurement standards, (c) the acquaintance on the methodology and principle of electrical measurements, and (d) hands-on experiences on the determination of bending stresses of structures using the method of electrical measurements;

 (4) Self-learning capability: (a) the capability of comprehending, analyzing and summarizing the knowledge system that have been offered and (b) the necessary skills to actively search and study references about a given subject matter;

 (5) Communication capability: necessary capabilities of presenting homework and exam solutions in a comprehensive, neat and well-organized manner;

(6) Innovation capability: (a) a rewarding habit of independent thinking and thorough investigation focusing on a given topic, (b) the capability to come up with multiple solutions or methodologies, and (c) the ability to simplify, complicate or evolve a given problem.

   4. Textbook & References

       (1) Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston and E.R. Eisenberg, 8th                 Ed., 2007, McGraw Hill (ISBN: 007297687X)

      (2) Mechanics of Materials, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston and J.T. Dewolf, 5th Ed., 2009, McGraw               Hill (ISBN: 0073529389)

       (3) Structural Mechanics, S.H. Bao and Y.Q. Gong, Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2007.










6.应力和应变分析 强度理论:掌握应力状态的概念,熟练掌握平面应力状态下应力分析的解析法和图解法,了解空间应力状态及其应力圆的概念,掌握最大切应力的计算方法。理解广义胡克定律,会计算空间应力状态下的应变能和畸变能。理解材料失效形式和强度理论的概念,掌握应用四个经典强度理论进行复杂应力状态下的强度分析和计算的方法。




1. 分析能力的培养:对工程力学的基本概念和基本方法有明确的认识,具备从简单的实际问题中抽象出合理的力学模型,并画出力学计算简图的初步能力。

2. 计算能力的培养:要求学生通过本课程的学习,能正确分析计算杆件的应力、应变和变形,具备对工程中杆件的强度、刚度和稳定性进行分析和计算的能力。

3. 自学能力的培养:通过本课程的教学,要培养和提高学生对所学知识进行整理、概括、消化吸收的能力,以及围绕课堂教学内容,阅读参考书籍和资料, 自我扩充知识领域的能力。

4. 表达能力的培养:主要是通过作业,清晰、整洁地表达自己解决问题的思路和步骤的能力。

 5. 创新能力的培养:培养学生独立思考、深入钻研问题的习惯,和对问题提出多种解决方案、选择不同分析计算方法,以及对分析计算进行简化和举一反三的能力。


   1Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston and E.R. Eisenberg, 8th Ed., 2007, McGraw Hill (ISBN: 007297687X)

   2Mechanics of Materials, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston and J.T. Dewolf, 5th Ed., 2009, McGraw Hill (ISBN: 0073529389)

   3Structural Mechanics, S.H. Bao and Y.Q. Gong, Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2007.