Notice of New Term 2024 for Current Students



Dear all current students


According to the school calendar, the summer vacation of 2024 will end on August 18, 2024and the registration period for current students is from August 19 to August 23. Students who left during the summer vacation are requested to return to campus before August 19 to avoid missing the new semester sign up and registration.


The semester sign-up for current students is from August 19 to August 23, 2024, please come to International Students Office (ISO) on time with your passport and student card, otherwise your student status will be affected. In particular, please clear the tuition for the new academic year and due dorm fees (more details: before signing up for the new semester, and purchase insurance as required (more details: Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the semester sign up, and you will be responsible for all the consequences.

大家注意自己的签证到期日期, 及时国际学生管理办公室办理续签未完成新学期签到的学生不予办理签证

Please pay attention to your visa expiration date, come to ISO in time to extend or renew it.Students who have not completed the new semester sign up will not be allowed to apply for visa extension.


Scholarship students who continue to receive monthly living allowance in the new semester should come to ISO or the Jiulonghu Dormitory Office on time monthly to complete the face scanning and signing up. Special reminder, the face scanning and signing up is usually from the 1st to the 14th of each month (working hours), and for this August is from August 19th to August 23rd.


Please strictly abide by Chinese laws and regulations as well asuniversity rules and regulations. Beware of illegal work, visa expiration, alcoholism, drug abuse, off campus accommodation disturbing, illegal gatherings, illegal preaching and other violations of law and discipline.


Please pay attention to personal and property safety, keep away from from theft and fraud. Do not carry large amount of cash with you. Strictly protect personal information, take care of yourpersonal documents, and do not lend personal documents to others.


Please abide by the dormitory management regulations. Don’tlet others  stay in your dorm. Pay attention to the safety of electricity. Using illegal electrical appliances, cooking with open flames in the dorm, storing any flammable or explosive materials and chemical dangerous goods, and smoking in the dorm are extremely prohibited. Meanwhile, pay attention to traffic safety and follow the traffic laws. Driving fuel motorcycles is strictly prohibited.


If you are unable to return to campus on time due to special reasons, please contact your counselor in time and complete the leave application procedures as required. Those who do not return to campus on time without permission will be deemed as violation of regulations in accordance with the relevant regulations of SEU. For more information:


 Contact information of counselors

本科生Undergraduate:章老师Miss ZHANG, WeChat ID: Holatela

硕士生Master:徐老师Miss XU, WeChat ID: xbj1057

博士生PhD:储老师Miss CHU, WeChat ID: AB659870


If you need help with dorm or notice an abnormality, please contact the dorm manager:

四牌楼宿舍Sipailou Campus       Tel:83690895

九龙湖宿舍Jiulonghu Campus      Tel:15312090060

丁家桥宿舍Dingjiaqiao Campus     Tel:83272372

国际学生管理办公室邮箱:Email of International Students’Office:



In case of emergency, please call the police and contact the counselor in time. Emergency Tel:    Public Security: 110, Fire: 119, First Aid : 120

For other matters not mentioned and related management regulations, please inquire:


Wish you all a happy new semester!


College of International Students

Southeast University
