
ElaborateCourse: Principles and Methods of Pavement Design


Course Introduction  

This course introduces basicprinciples and methods used in pavement design procedure.  The traffic load and climatic conditions whichaffected pavement design process will be discussed. The mechanical propertiesof the most used pavement materials including asphalt, aggregate, cement andsoil will also be introduced. Additionally, the course will teach students howto use the pavement design software (i.e., MEPDG) for the selection of pavementstructure and materials for the preparation of field construction. Themechanism of field pavement distresses and the relevant significant variableswill be discussed, and the very widely technologies utilized in pavementmaintenance will also be elaborated.  

Teaching Schedule


Course Content


Pavement history, pavement  types, differences among highway and airport pavements


Layered system, stress and  stain solutions for viscoelastic materials


Program study: KENLAYER,  including theoretical background and practical study, comparison between  simulated and calculated results


Stress and stain solutions  for concrete pavement materials, design of dowels and joints and summarized  problems


Program study: KENSLABS,  including theoretical background and practical study, comparison between  simulated and calculated results


Equivalent single-wheel  load, equivalent axle load factor, traffic distribution


Resilient modulus, dynamic  modulus, fatigue evaluation, permanent deformation parameters


General consideration of  pavement drainage, drainage materials


Rut depth, thermal crack, reflective  crack, longitudinal crack, including mechanism and significant factors


Non-destructive test,  surface friction, serviceability


Statistical concept of  reliability, variability, probabilistic methods


Flexible pavement design  procedure, program study: AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design program


Rigid pavement design  procedure, protland cement association design method


Design of overlays, asphalt  institute method, AASHTO method


Course review (1)


Course review (2)

Teaching Syllabus

Chap 1:  Basic principles

1.1Basic terminologies

1.2 Purpose ofpavement design

1.3 Pavementclassifications and structures

1.4 Pavementdistresses and mechanism

1.5 Development ofpavement design in the world

Chap 2:  Vehicles and Traffic

2.1 Vehicle and axletypes

2.2 Pavement-tireinteractions

2.3 Axle loadconversions

2.4 Traffic relatedfactors affecting pavement design

Chap 3:  Climate and Environment

3.1 Climate factors affecting pavement design

3.2 Effect of climate on pavement performance

3.3 Climate region division in China and other countries

3.4 Temperature and humidity within pavement structure

Chap 4:  Pavement Drainage

4.1 The function ofpavement drainage

4.2 Impacts of wateron driving safety

4.3 Impacts of wateron pavement performance

4.4 Pavementdrainage design

Chap5: Subgrade Materials 

5.1 Subgradematerial categories

5.2 Physicalproperties of subgrade materials

5.3 Mechanicalproperties of subgrade materials

5.4 Compaction ofsubgrade

5.5 Improvement ofsubgrade

Chap 6:  StabilizedMaterials

6.1 Types ofstabilizers

6.2 Application ofstabilizers

6.3 Mechanicalproperties of stabilized materials

6.4 Design ofstabilized materials

Chap 7:  Asphalt MixtureMaterials

7.1 Asphalt binders

7.2 Components ofasphalt mixture materials

7.3 Design ofasphalt mixtures

7.4 Modification ofasphalt mixtures

7.5 Construction ofasphalt pavement

Chap 8:  Cement ConcreteMaterials

8.1 Composition ofcement concrete

8.2 mechanicalproperties of cement concrete

8.3 Design of cementconcrete

8.4 Special cementconcretes

8.5 Construction ofconcrete pavement

Chap 9:  Mechanical andStructural Analysis of Asphalt Pavement

9.1 Approaches ofmechanical analysis

9.2 Tire pavementinteraction analysis

9.3 Mechanical andstructural analysis of asphalt pavement

Chap10:  Mechanical andStructural Analysis of Concrete Pavement

10.1 Mechanical andstructural analysis of concrete pavement

10.2 Tire-pavementinteraction analysis

10.2 Thermal-loadcoupling for mechanical analysis of concrete slabs

Chap11:  Design of AsphaltPavement

11.1 Traffic andclimatic inputs

11.2 Materialproperties and structural inputs for asphalt pavement

11.3 Mechanicalanalysis of asphalt pavement

11.4 Distressidentification and design objectives

11.5 Designvalidation and finalization

Chap 12: Design of ConcretePavement

12.1 Traffic andclimatic inputs

12.2 Materialproperties and structural inputs for concrete design

12.3 Mechanicalanalysis of concrete pavement

12.4 Distressidentification and design objectives

12.5 Designvalidation and finalization

Chap 13: Design of AirfieldPavement

13.1 Wheel types ofaircrafts

13.2 Tire-pavementinteraction analysis

13.3 Develop designmethods for airfield pavement

Chap 14: Pavement PerformanceEvaluation and Maintenance

14.1 Techniques forpavement condition evaluation

14.2 Pavementperformance evaluation

14.3 Determinationof maintenance and rehabilitation strategies