海外教育学院成功举办“和美东南”中外青年学术沙龙 ——交通学院专场活动




2024430日下午,海外教育学院于成园书院成功举办“和美东南”中外青年学术沙龙——交通学院专场,暨“学在成园”国际学生学术沙龙第三期活动,我校交通学院朱彦洁老师带来题为“Digital Bridge: 3D point clouds solution for bridge longevity and durability的全英文学术讲座,海外教育学院徐健副院长出席并致辞,本次学术沙龙共吸引来自17个学院的八十余名国际学生参与,本次学术沙龙由林虎老师主持。




Chinese and Foreign Youth Academic Salon

with the Theme of "Harmony and Beauty of SEU" and “Studying in Chengyuan”

 ——Episode in the Field of Transportation

On the afternoon of April 30, 2024, College of International Students successfully held the Chinese and Foreign Youth Academic Salon in the Field of Transportation, which wasthe third session of the "Studying in Chengyuan". Dr. Zhu Yanjie from the School of Transportation of SEU was invited to give a lecture in English titled "Digital Bridge: 3D point clouds solution for bridge longevity and durability" to Chinese and international students at Southeast University. Deputy Dean of CIS, Ms. Xu Jian attended and gave an opening speech, and Mr. Lin Hu from CIS hosted the salon. The academic salon attracted more than 80 international students from 17 schools.

After summarized the previous lectures and the salon theme, Ms. Xu Jian briefly introduced the academic experience of Dr. Zhu Yanjie. Dr. Zhu first briefly introduced the relevant background knowledge of digital bridge, and introduced representative projects, successful construction experiences, and accident lessons of bridge engineering. Then she introduced the research and development history, technical principles, and applications of 3D laser point cloud technology and 3D sonar point cloud technology in bridge fabrication, assembly, construction, and maintenance steps. Dr. Zhu demonstrated that the 3D point clouds solution was a transformation of digital technology in the field of bridge engineering as well as one of the most reliable technical means currently. She believes that compared with traditional measurement methods, this technology has advantages such as non-contact, high degree of automation, satisfactory accuracy, high efficiency, and high sampling density. In the end Dr. Zhu answered the questions from the international students, encouraged their academic thinking, and had an in-depth academic communication with attendees.

The "Harmony and Beauty of SEU" Chinese and Foreign Youth Academic Salon is one of the series of activities organized by CIS to strengthen the quality construction of studying abroad in China. CIS aims to further create an international academic atmosphere at Southeast University through the series of activities, cultivate the Chinese sentiment of international students, and enhance the international perspective of Chinese students.
