2024年南京市政府奖学金申请通知(在校生) Application for 2024 Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship (for Current Students)



Application for 2024 Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship

for Current Students


(一) 遵守中国法律法规,尊重中国社会公德和风俗习惯,严格遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的道德品质和行为习惯;

(二) 对华友好,无危害中国国家利益和安全的言行;

(三) 学习认真努力,考勤良好,能按时完成教学计划任务;

(四) 诚实守信,尊敬师长,团结同学,关心集体,积极参加学校、学院组织的各类活动;

(五) 完成学期注册,结清学费、住宿费、保险费等需要自理的费用

六) 仅限学制内的本科生、硕士生、博士生申请(不含2024级新生);

(七) 2018MBBS班级学生可申请。

Basic requirements:

  1. Comply by Chinese laws and regulations, respect Chinese social ethics and customs, strictly abide by the school's various rules and regulations, and have good moral qualities and behavioral habits;

  2. Be friendly to Chinese people and refrain from any words or actions that harm China's national interests and security;

  3. Study hard with good attendance, able to complete teaching plan tasks on time;

  4. Honesty and trustworthiness, respect for teachers, unite classmates, care for the community, actively participate in various activities organized by the university and college;

  5. Complete semester registration, clear tuition fees, accommodation fees, insurance fees, and other expenses that need to be paid;

  6. Only bachelor, master & doctoral students within prescribed study period are eligible to apply2024 new students are not included);

  7. Students of 2018 MBBS class are eligible to apply.


(一) 对学校和中国社会作出杰出贡献的;

(二) 热爱所学专业,并在学术上取得一定成果的;

(三) 在校内校外公益、文体或实践活动中表现优异,或在校内校外各类活动或赛事中获得表彰的;

(四) 承担国际学生大使、志愿者、助管、宿舍管理志愿者、书院管理员、学生记者等校内社会工作;长期积极配合、协助和支持海外教育学院和教学院系的各项工作,在学生中起模范带头作用,展现良好精神风貌的。

Under equal conditions, priority will be given to students who have outstanding performance in the following areas:

  1. Those who have made outstanding contributions to the school and Chinese society;

  2. Those who have achieved academic performance;

  3. Outstanding performance in public welfare, cultural, sports, or practical activities both on and off campus, or receivedawards/recognition in various activities or competitions both on and off campus;

  4. Participated in campus work such as international student ambassadors, volunteers, assistant managers, dormitory management volunteers, student journalists, or more; Long term active cooperation, assistance, and support for the work of College of International Students and teaching departments, playing a leading role among students and demonstrating a good moral standard.









Qualified Applicants

  1. English-taught Bachelor StudentsShould be Top 10 in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 MBBS Class, Top 3 in 2022, 2023 MBBS Class. Qualified applicants are listed in APPENDIX.

  2. Chinese-taught Bachelor StudentsGPA≥2.3;

  3. Master & doctoral students within prescribed study period could apply, standardized score≥75.

  4. Students sponsored by CSC, Jasmine full scholarship, One Belt One Road scholarship, and those who got admitted since 2020 with SEU scholarship can not apply.

  5. Those who violate the laws, university regulations, including dorm regulations, or have not finished semester registration, have not fully-paid their tuition and accommodation fees cannot apply.

  6. Students who extended their study cannot apply.

  7. This application is only for students currently in China.






Application Documents

  1. Fill out the application form for Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship application form in Chinese or in English.

  2. Fill out the Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship Review Form in Chinese.

  3. Recommendation letter from supervisor (postgraduates need to submit).The letter should state your study and research achievements in the past one year with supervisor’s signature and date.

  4. A list of research and publications,learning achievements, awards and volunteer works within one year and supporting documents.


Please fill out, print and collect all the hard-copy of document and submit to International Students’ Office in person, Sipailou Campus. (MBBS students submit the materials to the monitor of each class, monitors submit the materials to academic office)


Deadline for applicationOctober 10th2024

Eligibility is not a guarantee of this scholarship.

APPENDIX The following is the eligible list of each grade of MBBS ProgramBeing on the list does not necessarily mean you are eligible to apply, and all the other conditions above must be met