


1.1 General Introduction

Follow all traffic rules and be particularly cautious on the road.

In the case of emergency or other disturbances, promptly call the police 110 and in the meantime report to the Int'l Students Office at 025-83792797, where the officer can be of assistance.

There are 24-hour security guards stationed at each campus gate. Nevertheless, here are a few recommendations to ensure your safety:

It is advisable to take extra precaution with your passport and money. Normally, one should not carry their passport and large sums of cash on their person. Your University ID should be sufficient for identification and student verification. If you leave expensive items in your room, make sure to lock the door, and shut off all the lights and faucet and close the windows before you go out.

Below are some situations that you should take precautions against:

1.1.1 If someone calls you and tells you that your friend has been involved in an accident and you need to immediately send money, then asks you to send money to an unknown account.

1.1.2 You receive a message saying that you have won a prize in the lottery, moreover needs you to send money to an unknown account or to provide your bank card number and passwords so that they can send you the money.

1.1.3 Whether at your dormitory or on the road you come across a market that sells name brand products for a very low price i.e. make-up, they will decrease the price in order to lure you in.

1.1.4 If you are on the road and you find a wallet, you must still be cautious on how to deal with this situation to prevent being tricked.

1.1.5 When you are going to the ATM or at a sales counter, please ensure that your password is concealed so that you can prevent other people from wanting to steal your card.

1.1.6 While walking on the road and someone comes up to you and says that when they left their home, they forgot their wallet or that it was stolen and they have come to you to borrow money, your phone, your bank card etc.

1.1.7 If you encounter someone trying to extort you immediately call 110.

1.1.8 Before you go take on a part-time job, please in advance gain a proper understanding of the company and its policies concerning your working contract so as to avoid problems later; also when the company requests that you give a security deposit, please think about it carefully.

In short, at any time please do not unwittingly be fooled by strangers, do not give your bank card or information to strangers, especially your password.


1.2 Security:

1.2.1 When leaving from home, remember to lock the door and windows, you must get into the habit of locking the door and windows.

1.2.2 Please do not give your keys to anyone that you are not familiar with.

1.2.3 At all times remember to lock your bicycle. Even when you place your bike in front of the dormitory always remember to lock it.

1.2.4 When you are in the library do not place your money, or any other valuables on the study table. If you need to leave the table for a short while, you must take your valuable along with you or ask a friend to look after them for you.

1.2.5 When you are at the gym try your very best not to take a lot of money or any other valuables along with you. When leaving remember to take account for all your valuables.

1.2.6 When on the line in the cafeteria, please pay careful attention to your belongings. The dining card, do not put it on the table; also install your personal password on the card. If the card is lost, you must promptly report that it’s lost.

1.2.7 When shopping do not reveal your belongings. Do not put your backpack ad handbags on your back. Do not place your money in your back pockets. At all times keep these belongings in the front of you where you can see them. When in the fitting room, keep an eye on your bag and other personal belongings.

1.2.8 When at the grocery store, do not put your bag in the trolley or basket to avoid theft.

1.2.9 When you are eating out, put your bag in a place where you can see it, and try your very best not to put it in the back of you.

1.2.10 When on the bus, pay attention to your bag, take the strap of the bag and place it in the front of you where you can see it or wrap around your hand so that you won’t forget it. If you are sitting in a double -seater position, pay attention to the person on the side and back of you.

1.2.11 Do not place your phone, wallet etc. in outer pockets of your clothes.


1.3 Fire Safety

1.3.1 Do not use high voltage rate electronics.

1.3.2 When using mosquito repellant, candles, matches, cigarettes and cigarette lighters please pay attention to your safety.

Fire Department Telephone Contact Dial: 119            On Campus 110: 52090110


1.4 Traffic& NO Motorbike

1.4.1 Do not take rides from unlicensed taxi’s.

1.4.2 Comply with all traffic regulations.

1.4.3 No Motorbike! It is illegal to drive a motorbike without driving license in China and harsh punishment will be imposed if an accident is caused by a motorcycle without driving license (see Article 99 of the China Road Traffic Safety Law at ), and it is forbidden for you to drive it in campus!!

1.5 Call For Help

In the case of emergency or other disturbances, promptly call the police 110 and in the meantime report to the Int'l Students Office at 025-83792797, where the officer can be of assistance.

Emergency Contact Phone Numbers: 

Police: 110    Fire: 119    Traffic Accident: 122    Medical Emergency: 120

SEU Emergency Hotline: Sipailou campus: 025-83793110

Jiulonghu campus: 025-52090110

Dingjiaqiao campus:025-83272438

Phone for Jiulonghu Campus Dormitory : 025- 52090855

Phone for Sipailou Campus Dormitory :025-83690895

Phone for Dingjiaqiao Campus Dormitory :025-83272291;025-83272372