Process of Choosing the Courses :New Graduate Students



联系电话:83792660 邮箱
Dear International Graduate students of 2014,
Welcome to SEU!
Please read thoroughly the notice referring to submitting the training plan and selecting courses.
Feel free to contact us if there are any questions.
Tel: 025-83792660
Add.: Office 401 (College for International Students)

Graduate students service system
中文网址:    (Chinese )
英文网址: (English)

学号为一卡通号的后六位。Student ID number is the last 6 digits of the card number .
例:一卡通号:223145501  生日:1988年6月5日
e.g.: card number : 223145501 date of birth: June 5th 1988
Student ID number:145501 password:19880605
2013年9月-2014年7月参加过汉语学习的学生,学号与一卡通号后六位不一致,学号请见“国际学生(研究生)学生名单”Name List.rar.,密码仍为八位数生日。
Notice for the students who participated Chinese language learning between September, 2013 and July, 2014:
Please refer to the International student (graduate student) information list Name List.rar if your student number is not the last six numbers of your ID card and the passwords are still the eight digits of your birthday.
研究生选课流程-Master’s Student Course Selection Process
一、         注册Step one-register


Please fill in your contact information: phone number, email address and other information. Then submit training plans, course selection and so on. It is mandatory that you register at the beginning of each semester.
二、         提交培养计划-Step two- submit training plans


1. Contacting instructors, determining which courses to choose
2. When the teacher agrees on training plan, proceed with course selection.
After confirming your major and course list please note: International graduate students need to choose two Chinese courses. PhD students:  Chinese for Science and Technology, China Panorama; Postgraduates: Chinese and China Panorama .
The specific operation as follows:
(1)Click "add non-degree courses"

(2)Select "Graduate school”

 PHD students: Chinese for science and Technology (Doctor), China Panorama
Postgraduate students: Chinese, China Panorama.
(3)After training plan is complete, click "submit training plan"

(4)硕士研究生需删除“学位英语”,“中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究”,“自然辩证法概论”, 博士需删除“博士英语”,“中国马克思主义与当代”。请联系研究生院蒋老师(电话:83792529)帮助删除。
 (4)Postgraduate students need to delete: "English credits", "Chinese characteristics theory and practice of socialism", "Introduction to Dialectics of Nature", PhD students need to remove the "PHD English", "Chinese Marxism and contemporary”.
 For Graduate students please refer to Professor Jiang for help in deleting unnecessary courses (Tel: 83792529).
* Postgraduate students delete "Introduction to Dialectics of Nature", but you must choose another credit load course to replace this deleted course.
Please Note:  after the Graduate Students School have revised your course selection you can no longer click "Submit training plan", otherwise the training program will resume including "English Credits" and “PHD English".
三、         培养计划查询及打印Step three-the training program inquiries and printing
直接打印培养计划,并请导师签字。 Print training plan and request instructor’s signature.

四、         选课,点击“学生网上选课”,选择课程
Step four -choosing electives, click on "Student Online Course", select courses.

五、         选课结果查询并打印 Step five-selected course list query and printing
Note: For training plan paper version submission, published graduation requirements affairs, please contact respective faculty and mentors.