Application for 2020-2021 Government Excellent International Student Scholarship


Government Excellent International Student Scholarship

Application for 2020-2021 Government Excellent International Student Scholarship

The application of the Excellent International Student Scholarship of Chinese Government for 2020-2021 Academic Year has started. The details are as follows:

I. The applicants shall be undergraduates or graduates at the 2nd year or above. 

The University can recommend a maximum of 3 candidates to Chinese Ministry of Education for this scholarship.

II. Undergraduates will get an award of 18000 RMB per person and graduates will get an award of 30000 RMB per person if the scholarship application is successful.

III. Application requirements:

1. Excellent performance in studies and strong abilities of research.

2. Obey Chinese laws and school regulations, develop in an all-around way, be friendly to China and have an outstanding performance in all perspectives.

3. Take an active part in sports and arts activities and social practices; students with outstanding performance in the activities are preferred.

4. Under the same conditions, students with financial difficulty are preferred. Applicants shall submit application documents to office 403 before  Nov 06th. 

Documents shall include:

1. Personal Statement (not only limited to study performance, scientific research, awards achieved at or outside university, participation in activities and social practices, overall performance in China, etc.);

2. Transcript;

3. Award Certificate (original and the copy);

4. Publications (original and the copy);

5. Recommendation Letter from the supervisor (for graduates) or from the class advisor (for undergraduates);

6. Other supporting documents.




一、 奖励对象


二、 奖励标准


三、 申请条件

1. 学习成绩优异,具备很强的学习和研究能力。

2. 遵纪守法,全面发展,对华态度友好,在华表现优秀。

3. 积极参加各项文体活动或社会实践活动;有突出事迹者优先。

4. 同等条件下,家庭经济条件困难者优先。请符合以上条件、想要申请“优秀来华留学生奖学金”的同学,于11月6日前将申请材料交给海外学院403办公室。


1. 自我陈述(说明本人的学习情况、科研情况、校内外获奖情况、参加文体活动、社会实践活动情况,总体在华表现等);

2. 在校期间的学习成绩单;

3. 获奖证书原件及复印件;

4. 发表论文的期刊原件及复印件;

5. 本科生必须附班主任老师的推荐函,研究生必须附导师的推荐函;

6. 其他辅助支撑材料。