Pursuing Dreams Together——SEU International Students Participated in Campus Marathon


Jiangsu Provincial University Student Marathon League - The 6thAnnual Southeast University Marathon was held on 5th June 2021 in Jiulonghu Campus. The total marathon route was 6.6 km with thousands of teachers, staffs and students of SEU participating. The aim of this event was to celebrate 119th anniversary of Southeast University and to stimulate the morale of teachers and students towards such activity. This marathon has also helped to promote the state of physical and mental well-being of all the participants.

Sachin Mulmi Shrestha from Nepal

When I saw the notice on Wechat to register for the marathon league organized by our university, my first thought was to register my name as a participant without any hesitancy. The marathon was also held for celebrating 119thanniversary of Southeast University, it gave much more impression to me and gave me strong determination to participate and complete the race. I was thrilled to start the race with thousands of “Bright Green shirts” participating in dazzling sun over our head and completed the race route of 6.6 km in 48m28s with tired legs but strong determination. It was really a nice experience for me as this was my first marathon run and I am very glad to participate in it. We received a very nice medal after completion of the race. I would like to thank SEU for organizing the marathon, teachers of College of International Students (CIS) for arranging and motivating us for the participation and all the participants who ran alongside me.

Naresh Kharbuja from Nepal:

I have always been enthusiastic about running, so as soon as opportunity fell into my lap, I have registered my name as this marathon was the first SEU marathon that I have participated. On the day of race in Jiulonghu campus, when we arrived, I found a bustling university begin 6th annual marathon. Bright hot sun was shining over each runner, only comfort was when we passed through the shade of trees and when I passed through second aid station,picked up a cup of water, not to drink but to instantly throw over my head just to cool it from heat directly from sun and heat emitting from road. My official finish time was 34m28s. For me this was slower than I had targeted but it was with in my expectation. I will keeping on training and when next opportunity arrive I can perform better. I enjoyed each step of run in this marathon!

Arjun Sinkemani from Nepal:

Being the final year of my Phd and just the timing before my dissertation, this marathon held by our university boosted my enthusiasm of participation as this would be my last SEU activity participation. Not involved in many outdoor activities in recent times, I started the race with “heavy feet”, overwhelmed tiredness on the route but eyes trying to see the finish line. I felt proud in participating in the event and completing the track. Thanks to SEU, other organizers and all the teachers.

Marathon helps students bring together and work as a team. Also, marathon not only enhances students’ mental state but also the physical state of the body as a form of exercise. Events come and go but feeling and excitement last long and give the motivation for further participation.

供稿: Sachin

