Notice for 2024 Summer Vacation


各位同学好 Dear all students

summer vacation of SEU in 2024 will be from June 24 to August 18.

  1. 假期间有离校计划的同学,在624日之前在暑假离校学生在线登记表中登记,并在离校当天报告宿管员老师。离校学生须在假结束前按时返校,不能按时返校的,应在暑假开始前完成请假审批手续,以免错过新学期注册。
    Students who have plans to leave SEU during
    summer vacation are required to kindlyregister here June24th and report to your dormitory manager on the departure day. Students leaving SEU must return before the end of summer vacation. If you cannot return on time, you should complete the leave application procedures before the start of summer vacation to avoid missing the registration for the new semester.

2、大家注意自己的签证到期日期, 留学生办公室将在假期中停止签证办理工作。请819日之前签证到期的同学在628日前到302办公室办理续签。

Please check the expiration date of your visa. The International Students’ Office (302) couldNOT issue residence permission/visa during the  vacation. The students whose visa will be expired before August 19, 2024 should come to Office 302 before June 28, 2024 for visa extension.


The sign-up period for the new semesterfor current studentsis from August 19 to August 23, 2024. Please register at the International Student Administration Office on time, otherwise your student status will be affected.

In particular, please pay the tuition fee for the new academic year and settle the accommodation fee before signing in for the new semester. Otherwise, we will not sign up for you and you will be liable for all the consequences.


All International Students should strictly abide by Chinese laws and SEU regulations. Beware of illegal work, visa expiration, alcoholism, drug use, off campus accommodation disturbing, illegal gatherings, illegal preaching and other illegal and disciplinary behaviors.

  1. 请根据天气变化适时增减衣服,保持充足睡眠和均衡饮食,适当进行体育锻炼。

Please mind your clothing adapted to weather changes, maintain sufficient sleep and a balanced diet, and engage in appropriate physical exercise.

  1. 防盗防骗安全提醒不要随身携带大量现金,宿舍不留宿外人,外出锁好将窗、阳台、门锁好。拒绝任何形式推销,严守个人信息。一定保管好个人的有效证件,不要将个人证件借给他人使用,并随身携带有效证件的复印件。

Tips to prevent theft and fraudDo not carry a lot of cash when going out. Do not let strangers stay in your room. When leaving your room, make sure to lock windows, doors and balconies. Refuse any form of sales promotion and protect your personal information. Take care of your personal documents, and do not let others use them on your behalf. Always carry a photocopy of your important documents (e.g., passports).

  1. 注意用电安全,禁止使用违章电器,禁止在房间内烹饪、使用明火,禁止存放易燃易爆物品及化学危险品,禁止在宿舍内吸烟。注意交通安全,遵守交通法规,严禁驾驶燃油摩托车。离开宿舍时,须关闭所有电器和电源。如发现任何异常,请第一时间与宿管老师联系。

Pay attention to the safety of electricity use. Using illegal electrical appliances, cooking with open flames in the dorm, storing any flammable or explosive materials and chemical dangerous goods, and smoking in the dorm are extremely prohibited. Meanwhile, pay attention to traffic safety and follow the traffic laws. Driving motorcycle is strictly prohibited. Turn off the electric appliances and power when you leave the dormitory. If you find anything unusual, please report to your dorm manager.

  1. 如遇紧急事件,请拨打报警电话,并及时联系辅导员老师。公安:110,火警:119,急救电话:120

If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers and contact your counselor: public security: 110, fire: 119, first aid: 120.


During the summer vacation, students are required to strictly abide by the relevant management regulations. We sincerely wish you all a nice and safe summer holiday!


If you need help and guidance, or if encountering an emergency situation, you may contact your counselor.


If you need any help in dorm, please contact your dorm manager.  


Email of International Students’Office:


Wish you all a happy vacation!


College of International Students,

Southeast University


June 17, 2024

供稿:储楚 殷果